
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Herb Plant Markers

  Why do you need markers for your herbs you say? "Well, you should know what they look like. You should remember what you planted and where". Let me tell you. I do know what they look like (on the seed packet) or (on the plant tag), but once those two things disappear.......I'm lost. 

I just uncovered an herb plant from a flower bed that has run rampant in the back yard. Can't remember for the life of me what it is. I remember planting it under the fig tree as it needed part shade. Sure would appreciate it if someone could help me out.

You see last year I got on this herb thing. Bought them randomly, no, no plan what so ever. I vow this year will go better.

I've been watching all kinds of things pop up on the different blogs and such as of late. Some really cool plant markers out there. Looking for "easy" plant markers.

Just a quick look on Pinterest produced manyyyyyy ideas.

Well this is what I did. I keep wanting the inner artist to jump out of me one day. My oldest son must have gotten that gene from somewhere. I had the canning jar lids (canning- another project I started last year), I had some bamboo sticks and glue so why not.

As you can see, I'm no Rembrandt, but I guess it will do. I call it "Abstract"  There seems to be a problem with these though. See below:

They keep falling of the dang stick. I first used hot glue. I guess it got too cold for them. Then I used something call Duco cement. Didn't work. Any suggestions>\?

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